Earth Day Statement

Earth Day serves as a clear reminder that we need a new president in Washington who puts the environment first every day. President Bush said he cares about the environment. Yet he opposed the Kyoto global warming treaty, tried to drill for oil in our precious natural lands, undermined a partnership with the auto industry to develop more fuel-efficient cars and has set about dismantling federal clean air and water protections.

I've got news for the president, the vice president and the oil companies they used to run: there is no path to oil self-sufficiency. We can't drill our way there, no matter how many public lands we despoil.

I believe in a new way. As president, I'll launch an aggressive new Apollo Project — to work with industry to achieve true energy independence within ten years. We'll set aggressive yet achievable goals, make the necessary investments to develop renewable energy, make energy-efficient products cheaper and more widely available through incentives to businesses and consumers, and we will create more jobs in the process.
